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Polaris 1500 xd Ultimate

Love it, and to make it better it's RED! Everyone knows reds the fastest color;)
Well, as I said, not in the same ballpark with 1500. But it is a blast to drive. Heck, over two months without the Ultimate, i’v forgot what its like! Have to “re learn” all about it! FYI: wife picked the color!
Thanks for asking! NO, dealer said the other day unit is to be shipped between 8-5 and 9-10. So, still awaiting. For the ranch work, wife and I bought new Roxor to fill in the gap. While not in the ballpark with the 1500, it is fun to drive. I love the 5 speed gear shift!
I’ve never seen one of those. That’s a cool little rig.
mr C, they made jeeps license from US since the 40’s. I think mahindra brothers acquired patent for design in late forties. Just to be clear, it ain’t in the ballpark with the Ultimate! Is it fun? You bet! No way would this rival the 1500 in every aspect. But fun, yeah!
That sucks! I've got a 1000 trouble free miles so far (knock on wood) I hope they find your issue soon and it's something simple. Keep us updated!
BR, are you keeping abreast of the problems arising about the 1500’s ?
BR, are you keeping abreast of the problems arising about the 1500’s ?
Eddyk - I know what is said here and what my dealer has told me. Of course, we are all going to share when things go wrong, the bigger question is how many people are logging miles without any issue? The only issue I had is my Ride Command screen had to be replaced, Ride Command is not new and has been around for almost 10 years so I'm not sure I would consider it an "XD" problem. That said this one seems to have plenty of bugs that need sorted out. Several have been talking about tranny issues, mine has been flawless so I'm not sure what's going on there. The biggest concern for me is "design failures" as they can be on-going problems that are tough to fix. I understand that mechanical things will fail from time to time and those can be worked through.
Agreed! Still awaiting my replacement Ultimate.
Big Red, is it me or am I missing something? I’ve watched polaris 2025 unveiling and found NOTHING about 1500 xd’s. They’re pushing all the 1000 models.
Big Red, is it me or am I missing something? I’ve watched polaris 2025 unveiling and found NOTHING about 1500 xd’s. They’re pushing all the 1000 models.
Eddyk - The 2025 XP 1000's are out, and just a few days ago the new 2025 RZR lineup was announced.........to my knowledge nothing has been said about the 2025 Expeditions or 1500 XD's.
That’s great news!!! Glad to hear Polaris finally stepped up!
Sorry. Newbie here. Didn’t mean to reply. Hit the wrong button and can’t see a way to delete the reply. Hope you have a nice Saturday!
Eddyk - The 2025 XP 1000's are out, and just a few days ago the new 2025 RZR lineup was announced.........to my knowledge nothing has been said about the 2025 Expeditions or 1500 XD's.
Big Red, still awaiting new unit. No calls no emails, nothing. Think I’ll call right now! Getting tired of this, the roxor doing well for a fill in, changed original shocks out first week. The orginal ride was tough and rough. Much better now. Still! It ain’t no 1500 ultimate!
Big Red, still awaiting new unit. No calls no emails, nothing. Think I’ll call right now! Getting tired of this, the roxor doing well for a fill in, changed original shocks out first week. The orginal ride was tough and rough. Much better now. Still! It ain’t no 1500 ultimate!
Eddyk - Good to hear from you, disappointed Polaris does not have your new ride yet! Maybe they are going to go the extra mile and give you a new 2025 unit with a 2-year warranty. Probably wishful thinking but it would be nice for all your headaches with the first one. Glad the Roxor is treating you better than the XD, keep us posted!
Big Red, still awaiting new unit. No calls no emails, nothing. Think I’ll call right now! Getting tired of this, the roxor doing well for a fill in, changed original shocks out first week. The orginal ride was tough and rough. Much better now. Still! It ain’t no 1500 ultimate!
Welp! I called! They “think” it was delivered yesterday late, only one unit and assume its mine. About another week for accessories assembly. Thats ok, wife and i both have been diagnosed with Covid! Go figure? She got diagnosed Monday, me on Wednesday. So hell! One week more over three month period ain’t so bad!
Welp! I called! They “think” it was delivered yesterday late, only one unit and assume its mine. About another week for accessories assembly. Thats ok, wife and i both have been diagnosed with Covid! Go figure? She got diagnosed Monday, me on Wednesday. So hell! One week more over three month period ain’t so bad!
Almost forgot, they FINALLY got the other machine going after a complete tear down , body control module! ????
Almost forgot, they FINALLY got the other machine going after a complete tear down , body control module! ????
Damn Covid!!! Hope all is well and neither one of you get it too bad. The last time me and the wife had Covid it felt more like a bad cold more than anything else. Body Control Module.....I wonder what the hell it does. You would think tearing down a new machine and replacing the entire wiring harness would be a last resort after you checked all the sensors, modules, and so forth. Maybe something happened at the factory that led them to believe it was the issue. Either way you're getting a new machine and a fresh start!
Body control module????? I was suspecting the flux capacitor !
Like Big Red my last bout with covid was equal to a bad cold, hope the same for you and your wife. Maybe you new machine will be your get well present
Well i’m doing much better, wife caught it first, waited four day to get into the Doctor, I start showing signs at noon one day and into Doc’s next morning. I think hers was allowed to build up to a greater degree than my case. Boys, i looked up body control module, nothing on Rangers but a lot on cars and trucks!
Damn Covid!!! Hope all is well and neither one of you get it too bad. The last time me and the wife had Covid it felt more like a bad cold more than anything else. Body Control Module.....I wonder what the hell it does. You would think tearing down a new machine and replacing the entire wiring harness would be a last resort after you checked all the sensors, modules, and so forth. Maybe something happened at the factory that led them to believe it was the issue. Either way you're getting a new machine and a fresh start!
Well, the owner has two polaris shops. He going reassemble and buy it for himself. Probably a HUGE discount!! I wouldn’t trust that unit to go to my barn and back! Wish him luck!
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Well, the owner has two polaris shops. He going reassemble and buy it for himself. Probably a HUGE discount!! I would trust that unit to go to my barn and back! Wish him luck!
I'm guessing Polaris really didn't want to sell it to a customer, the dealer would be obligated to disclose what happened to it. The dealer can drive it around for 2-3 years and get it sorted out, after that he can just peddle it as a used vehicle.
Big Red, I really do not understand their business model sometimes. This Polaris dealer handles no used machines! I traded my first one in back in 2015. The XP 900 was in great condition and would have mad an excellent 2nd vehicle. I had installed a duraclutch and gilomen tune. The second Northstar XP 1000 power, air, factory cab, had the duraclutch and tune also. Guarantee it leave the 1500’s sitting there. Sold that one for a pretty penny. Seems to me they’re leaving money on the table not reselling select machines? Still hoping my new 1500 will be in soon, the Red Roxor is fun, but the cab insulation (none) leaves a lot to be desired in this 105 degree heat!