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Let’s see those camo crew ultimates doing their thing.

Looks like a great time. Mines been sitting for the better part of 4 weeks. I've been sick and too damn busy to play much. I did get it out about 4 days ago to push about 3" of snow, not hardly enough to mess with.
That’s a good day of riding there. Looks like the tires handle the snow well also.
We ride our machine a lot but there is no one on this forum that uses theirs more than you.
Sure makes the enclosed cab and heat enjoyable. Did you ever find a resolution for the snow coming in on the passenger side?
What's your comfortable cruising speed with the tracks on? I believe they drastically reduce your top speed compared to tires?
Yes speedo is way off. Machine still thinks it’s turning 32” tires. But it’s rotating a 20”? Track drive. I’d say speed would be max 30mph. I should check it I guess. If I’m out today I’ll do that.
Sure makes the enclosed cab and heat enjoyable. Did you ever find a resolution for the snow coming in on the passenger side?
No fix for that yet. If you’re driving in a side wind snow comes in with the wind. Polaris needs to redo something in the door to seal the mechanism better. It’s a problem I’m sure they knew they’d have when they were designing the doors.
Yes speedo is way off. Machine still thinks it’s turning 32” tires. But it’s rotating a 20”? Track drive. I’d say speed would be max 30mph. I should check it I guess. If I’m out today I’ll do that.
Comfortable cruising speed is 35-40 km/h it shows 70-80 on speedo


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Looks like a good day for sure. Congrats on the new pup. His ears crack me up, cute little dude.
Agree, the new pup is cute as hell. The ears remind me of Yota (did I spell that right) from Star Wars.
There isn't much can top getting a new pup and developing the bond, he is super cute. Looks like the entire day went well.
Looks like a good day for sure. Congrats on the new pup. His ears crack me up, cute little dude.
Corgi ears are down at birth and come up at age 2-3 months. They always come up one at a time.
I put my patio furniture back out and stored my snow blower and blade yesterday. I'm charging the lawn mower battery and will be servicing it later today. I'm probably going to mulch up some leaves after that. I put one of the grills back on the deck and will be making supper on it tonight. It's going to be 61 deg F today and 70 Monday so I guess our weather is just a little different :)
That looks awesome, hard for me to fathom your conditions when we are headed for mid 50's today.