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Let’s see those camo crew ultimates doing their thing.

Another day. Bbq on the lake with my dad. +6 today with a light breeze. Dirt bike ice racing.
Several things come to mind when I seen this post,

My Father loved outdoors, a past time for him was to come over and we would cut firewood all day in similar conditions. Good for you seizing the moment.

I ice raced 40ish years ago, thanks for bringing back those memories.

I noticed the Kubota, have the same model, love it but won't do more than 25mph going downhill with a tailwind, wondering if the gear reduction of the tracks helps them out.

I am looking at this at 5:00 am and wanting brats for breakfast. I think I smell them
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Several things come to mind when I seen this post,

My Father loved outdoors, a past time for him was to come over and we would cut firewood all day in similar conditions. Good for you seizing the moment.

I ice raced 40ish years ago, thanks for bringing back those memories.

I noticed the Kubota, have the same model, love it but won't do more than 25mph going downhill with a tailwind, wondering if the gear reduction of the tracks helps them out.

I am looking at this at 5:00 am and wanting brats for breakfast. I think I smell them
That kubota is a buddy of my dad. It’s slow!!all he uses it for is ice fishing. Tracks went on when he bought it. And have never come off.
I saw motorcycles racing on ice once, it was cool as shit. Not something that occurs in my area often. The wife took my fat ass out for a walk today, it was 72 degrees with a strong south wind. Not as fun as bikes racing on ice but I do like the warmer temps.