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Titanium Metallic

Wow! Very helpful Neal. I will test mine out when I get home. It is so different than anything I have driven
Not impressed. Seatbelt is fastened. Seems to rev very high, takes a few seconds to start going. Feels like something is holding it back and it’s very loud. It’s in comfort mode. Just doesn’t seem right to me. Running about 4500 rpm at 25 mph
Hope to get ours back from window tinting today. I'll check to see what ours is for rpm at 25 mph and let you know. For the few miles we drove it before taking it in for the window tinting it didn't seem to be revving abnormally high.
Mine runs 3550 RPM's at 40 MPH in Comfort Mode, it runs 4600 RPM's at 40 MPH in Sport mode, Standard would be somewhere in the middle. If I remember right Tow/Haul maxes out at 30 MPH around 3500 RPM's, I think it's programmed to keep the engine in the heart of the torque band.
I was wondering, good to hear.
I would also love to get the Giloman but plan to wait and make sure these new trannys stand up before I void my warranty.
I will wait 6 months. If I don’t have anymore issues I will get it
Jerem62 - So what was the issue? Was it possible that it was in Tow/Haul mode the entire time? Turning the knob switches between the different modes unless you're in Tow/Haul. You have to press the knob in to get it in or out of that mode. Something had to be the cause of your original problem???
Please share the issue. Plus, I’m on board with you, gonna wait a few more months. But will be getting the gilomen tune as well.
It was stuck in tow/haul mode. Reset everything and it is working fine now. I still don’t like the factory tuning. Feels like it needs pedal commander or something. Reminds me of stock 6.0 powerstroke.
It was stuck in tow/haul mode. Reset everything and it is working fine now. I still don’t like the factory tuning. Feels like it needs pedal commander or something. Reminds me of stock 6.0 powerstroke.
Much like all newer cars it will learn your driving habits and adjust for them. I honestly couldn't be happier with noise, vibration, or how it feels when I take off from a dead stop or performs when I mash the gas. I almost always run in Confort Mode and it has done everything I have ever wanted it to do. I do use Tow / Haul for plowing snow and a few other cases where I used to use low range.
Interesting, I wasn't aware of this.
Yup, it was in one of the Polaris factory videos, that said it's supposed to be a gradual change and not something that's going to change if you alter your driving style for a day. To tell you the truth I don't know how much difference it really makes, since it's gradual how would one notice??
I am starting to love this thing. The more I ride it, the more I like it.
That's great to hear !
I understand how you feel. I try to find reasons to drive it during the week.
My wife and son are cooped up in the house all day, many days JR will meet at the door when I get home "wanna ride " , that's all it takes.