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Ranger 1500 tracking

The Polaris vehicle tracker would have to improve 100% just to achieve an annoying status. It's complete shit and is more misleading than helpful. I found talking to my dealer was the best way to get accurate information.
It’s awful. Sad part is I’m sure it’s somebody’s job to keep it accurate.
My tracker said it was in transit for about 2 weeks after I picked up my machine. I don't think keeping it accurate is very high on the importance list. I don't know why I checked it but I did.
The Polaris vehicle tracker would have to improve 100% just to achieve an annoying status. It's complete shit and is more misleading than helpful. I found talking to my dealer was the best way to get accurate information.
Gotta tell you, Red provided the statement of the day again and I spit my drink when I read this! You are a funny dude! Definitely say it like it is!

Agree, tracker is a POS! Good news is, it seems to be inaccurate in a good way for build and delivery. Mine was delivered before the day it said it would ship.
Well it’s not built again. lol but it has a build date
Let's pray the people building the machine are smarter than the person telling you if it's done or not. When mine was on order they actually had 2 of them being built for me, one of them showed up at my dealer before Polaris said it shipped. I quit looking after that so I don't know how long it took them to get it right. You would think with all the barcodes on this machine they could simply scan it at each stage of the process and have the tracker update accurately. My guess is there has to be an idiot involved in the process somewhere........hard to believe a computer could make so many mistakes.
Dealer is starting on it today. Hopefully be able to pick up on Saturday. View attachment 439
Congrats! The camo looks really good. Looking forward to seeing more photos of it. Not sure why some of these dealers are making people wait so long to pickup up their units. They come 99% ready to go off the truck. PDI only takes around an hour or two. My dealer received the machine around 2:30 PM and called me to see if I wanted to pick it up the same day before they closed.
Thanks, camo was my favorite. And I couldn’t get it when I bought my XP1000 without knowing how long of a wait it was going to be. So went with the sage green. it’s only because I have them adding all the accessories I’ve ordered. Otherwise I could probably pick it up earlier.
Congrats on the new machine, you're going to love it. I agree it looks awesome in camo, especially the interior touches. That said it's a well-known fact that Red is the fastest so that's the one I went with! (just kidding of course)