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Polaris 1500 xd Ultimate


May 12, 2024
Welp! Just getting close the the first 25 hour break in check. Lacked, i believe, 2.3 hours. Wife and i out feeding fish, letting the dogs run through the water, got back in NOTHING! Had electricity, wouldn’t start. Nothing I tried wouldn’t work

Polaris shop came out early next morning and picked up the machine and there it sits. It’ll be third day tomorrow. They have contacted PolRis awaiting remedies.
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That sucks! I've got a 1000 trouble free miles so far (knock on wood) I hope they find your issue soon and it's something simple. Keep us updated!
Went by the polaris shop this morning, they dont have a clue. Polaris factory said maybe install new wiring harness!! Also possible something in transmission not allowing engine to crank. This is the fourth full working day since problem started. It really cramps a working cattle ranch when their brand new 40+k machine is out of service!
I’m in the same boat sort of. I keep getting a fault. Nobody knows what it is. 3 business days and no reply from Polaris. Maybe me is drivable at least though. I’d be pissed if I was you.
That sucks even more! I think the dealerships may have a steep learning curve with anything related to the transmission or electronics in this machine. "Maybe install a new wiring harness" means we don't freaking know what's wrong. Polaris needs to do better than that.
Well hell! Great machine right until the time it craped! 23 hours is not a full day and night! I need Polaris’ whiz kids on this!! The ranch work is resorting back to the 4wheeler days! Thank goodness I still have some that run!! Not very convenient since 2015!!! Hauling mineral, checking cows, since then it’s raining in Texas! Have to break out rain gear!! Something needs to happen! QUICK!!
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Welp! Just getting close the the first 25 hour break in check. Lacked, i believe, 2.3 hours. Wife and i out feeding fish, letting the dogs run through the eater, got back in NOTHING! Had electricity, wouldn’t start. Nothing I tried wouldn’t work

Polaris shop came out early next morning and picked up the machine and there it sits. It’ll be third day tomorrow. They have contacted PolRis awaiting remedies.
Have you had a seatbelt bypass plugged in since new?
Sorry, yes! Went out that afternoon! Shop said has nothing to do with problem!
What are your thoughts on the seatbelt bypass? Maybe unplug, disconnect battery for a period, discharge the ecu. Reconnect battery and try to start. Need your help!
That sucks! I've got a 1000 trouble free miles so far (knock on wood) I hope they find your issue soon and it's something simple. Keep us updated!
Going on 4 weeks! Now they want to replace front end/cab wiring harness!
Did your dealer give you a loaner to get by? It doesn't justify your machine being down for 4 weeks, but it might ease the pain. If you have to wait much longer, I would demand a new machine since they appear to be taking their sweet ass time trying to figure this one out. If it was me, I would be way up everyone's ass to the point they would want it to end very quickly.
Well hell! Dealer on the horn with Polaris , last week they said they had upgraded the problem to Polaris!
I called dealer Monday and firmly told them I had lost all faith in this machine. After trying EVERYTHING they were told, including ECM replacement, the machine will not start unless jumped across solenoid.
I explained this machine has been a lemon since day one! I was getting orange transmission light on the dash when shifting into drive mode. In talks with the dealer they felt it was linkage adjustment problem. This would be handled at the twenty five hour checkup. I found a slight downward pressure on shift lever would allow solenoid to engage.
The machine died at 23.2 hours and I had to tow it in with the King Quad.
Now they want to replace wiring harness! I explained this is our third Ranger purchased from them and NEVER had one that failed to get me home. In this Texas heat, at my and the wife’s age this is a safety hazard! I went on to say I did not want a brand new machine taken apart for something that should have never happened. Told them talk to the owner and see want it will take to get us in another machine! We both have lost confidence and faith in this machine. If this machine had broken down on our back place they couldn’t get us out! No cell service, 1 1/2 miles off the FM road! We would be there!

How am I doing? Sad part is, it’s true. This dealer doesn’t deal with used machines. They sell trade-in’s to a auction outfit somewhere.
That was Monday, now Wednesday, haven’t heard a word! THOUGHTS?
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Option #1 Call your dealer and tell them you want the name and number of their Polaris contact who can address your problem quickly. Option #2 Don't waste your time with your dealer and go straight to Polaris Customer Service. When you get trough tell the person you are talking to that you want to talk to their supervisor and no one else. Get as high up the food chain as quick as possible to get to a set of ears who will listen to you. I'm confident that if you can talk to the right person the wheels will start turning, I did this with Victory Motorcycles (owned by Polaris) and had 2 engineers from the factory at my dealers shop for 2 days addressing every concern I had.
At the end of the day I know Polaris is a good company that will do the right thing. Sometimes the customer is too polite and doesn't demand the attention they deserve. Sometimes the dealer and the Polaris employees at the bottom of the ladder fail to raise it to the right level quick enough to resolve the issue in a timely or appropriate manner. In short make yourself heard loudly (but politely) to anyone that will listen.
You know what the biggest disappointment is? Having a big cow calf round up Saturday morning starting at 6 AM. I have to resort BACK to A 4 wheeler! Used to be alright 10 years ago, not now!
Yes there is. I’m doing my best to work with these people at the dealership. Called today and was advised factory rep was on his way in a couple of days. Also they were talking to dealership owner about another machine. Also the new wiring harness arrived and will start working on replacement tomorrow.
Heck fire, I don’t know what to do. I like these people and have treated me fairly in the past.
The thing is , I need the machine now, immediately, for some important ranch work to be done. With a big round up schedule this weekend it’s even more critical.
I had a simalar problem withdealer service. Picked up new machine from dealer and it leaked Antifreeze while loading on trailer. Mechanic said its just over flo and not to worry. Went home and it leaked worse when unloading. Called dealer they came to my house and picked up unit. Then called Polaris Customer service and complained. They imediatly called dealer investgaing the problem. Within 2 hr dealer called me stating it was the water pump. They over nighted the pump and would call me when done. Polaris Customer called me back stating they contacted dealer about problem and I said yes they are responding to the problem. Polaris gave me a $600 voucher to use because this problem should have never happened. Two days later they brought unit back all was OK but then discovered winch was wound backwards. In my garage they re-wound the winch and have had no problems since. I will use the $600 for the 25 hour checkup. It was worht it to me to call Polaris Customer service.
Yeah, just got off the horn with them. Gave them an ear full!


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