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Let's see some cool pics and videos snowplowing.

It's still raining, and it looks like it will till midnight or so. It's now above freezing but nothing seems to be melting. I lost 3 branches off my trees in the front yard, all of my neighbors have down branches as well. I guess I'll be getting the chainsaw out tomorrow.
It varies year to year. Last year we had over 9 feet here in the Colorado mountains.
9’ is a lot. South of us about 30 miles will get around 5’. There was odd year, where we got about 4’. First winter in the place and a broken leg. So we paid to have the place to be plowed, and I hopped around to clear the roof the best I could.
9’ is a lot. South of us about 30 miles will get around 5’. There was odd year, where we got about 4’. First winter in the place and a broken leg. So we paid to have the place to be plowed, and I hopped around to clear the roof the best I could.
5` is a lot as well,,, and a broken leg , fun winter eh
5` is a lot as well,,, and a broken leg , fun winter eh
Best part was, my wife and her coworker had to split and stack all the fire wood that winter. My wife also had to bring it in the house for the first few months. lol.
Best part was, my wife and her coworker had to split and stack all the fire wood that winter. My wife also had to bring it in the house for the first few months. lol.
Sounds like you have a great wife. I do as well but we heated with an outdoor boiler for 35 years and I don't think my wife could have filled it for am entire season .
9' of snow is about 8' more than I care for! Does it melt much between snows or is it around for most of the season?
Much of the snow hangs around until March, but we tend to get heavy snowfalls in March and April and sometimes in May.
9' of snow that hangs around all winter..........I guess you have to pile that shit mighty high if it doesn't melt till spring.
Much of the snow hangs around until March, but we tend to get heavy snowfalls in March and April and sometimes in May.
Been 60 years but as a child I can remember in central Ohio our ground remained white for months. There really is a climate change
Cool! Yea I dont want to do 35's I was looking at putting on the KM3's and was just wondering what wheel offset to run so thanks for the help

Been 60 years but as a child I can remember in central Ohio our ground remained white for months. There really is a climate change
I agree with that! I remember snow drifts as high as the school bus on gravel roads. As kids we would build forts in large snow piles to play in and they would be there most of the winter. Fast forward 50 years and now snow rarely last for more than a few weeks before it's melted. Now I remember riding motorcycles on New Years Day with 60 deg temps. So far, we had 2 snows one was about 2" the other was maybe 3" both melted in a few days.
9' of snow that hangs around all winter..........I guess you have to pile that shit mighty high if it doesn't melt till spring

9' of snow that hangs around all winter..........I guess you have to pile that shit mighty high if it doesn't melt till spring.
The snow does sublime (similar to evaporation) in sunny areas. Our driveway has a steep drop off on one side, and I plow so it so it gets pushed off the cliff. Here are a couple of pics of the upper area of our driveway. We haven’t had snow in 12 days and temperatures have been mild with sunny days. There is another tenth of a mile of driveway below what is shown in the second photo.

The snow does sublime (similar to evaporation) in sunny areas. Our driveway has a steep drop off on one side, and I plow so it so it gets pushed off the cliff. Here are a couple of pics of the upper area of our driveway. We haven’t had snow in 12 days and temperatures have been mild with sunny days. There is another tenth of a mile of driveway below what is shown in the second photo. View attachment 1723
View attachment 1724
We have a dusting , temps about 25 , just right to slide the 1500 through the woods without shredding the ground
Been 60 years but as a child I can remember in central Ohio our ground remained white for months. There really is a climate change
I grew up in Austintown, Ohio and lived in several other places in NE Ohio, including Canfield and Ashtabula.