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I changed the transmission fluid!

Maybe someday someone will make one, but these only exist on the Ranger 1500 (that I know of) so I don't see anyone wanting to go through the expense of offering one for such low volume. Hope I'm wrong.
Totally agree, Amsoil will be one of the first but there has to a little demand first, and as you stated there aren't that many yet.
Update. After getting my 1500 back four months later and the transmission warning light came on it went right back to the shop. Today they called me and said the reason the light came on was because I shifted from reverse to forward without placing my foot on the brake or coming to a complete stop. I told them I had not done it anyway different then ever and the light has never come on before even when the transmission was sounding like a scolded cat. I thought one of the selling points was how easy it shifted and you could go from R to F without putting on brake or even at a slight roll. I am not saying running 4-5mph and doing it. Just curious if anyone’s had the light come on by shifting without braking.
I shift mine (at slow walking speed) the same since day one. Sounds like they are flailing for excuses.
Update. After getting my 1500 back four months later and the transmission warning light came on it went right back to the shop. Today they called me and said the reason the light came on was because I shifted from reverse to forward without placing my foot on the brake or coming to a complete stop. I told them I had not done it anyway different then ever and the light has never come on before even when the transmission was sounding like a scolded cat. I thought one of the selling points was how easy it shifted and you could go from R to F without putting on brake or even at a slight roll. I am not saying running 4-5mph and doing it. Just curious if anyone’s had the light come on by shifting without braking.
Sorry, I can’t help you with any experience in performing that shifting method. I’ve always come to a complete stop before shifting. I wasn’t aware that was even an option.

My question is how would they know that you did that. And is the light still on for them?
I don't think I brake when going from forward to reverse when I'm plowing snow, that said the vehicle is basically stopped when I do that. I guess the process is so natural that I don't really think about it.
Update. After getting my 1500 back four months later and the transmission warning light came on it went right back to the shop. Today they called me and said the reason the light came on was because I shifted from reverse to forward without placing my foot on the brake or coming to a complete stop. I told them I had not done it anyway different then ever and the light has never come on before even when the transmission was sounding like a scolded cat. I thought one of the selling points was how easy it shifted and you could go from R to F without putting on brake or even at a slight roll. I am not saying running 4-5mph and doing it. Just curious if anyone’s had the light come on by shifting without braking.
That’s bs! Something is wrong.
Yes when I got mine over a year ago the first thing I did with it was plow snow. I would push up to a pile and when the machine stopped I would just shift into reverse like I did with my old xp1000. I had transmission warnings going off also, which cleared themselves. I quickly found out that these things don't like to be shifted without the brakes on.