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Front fender removal

Jay B

Active member
Oct 14, 2023
Reaction score
I did a quick search and didn't come up with much. I've watched the wd turn signal video, fender removal doesn't look too bad. Just wondering how long it takes to remove/install. I'm wanting to seal up some air leaks.
It's not bad I've done it twice now. The triangular panel on the a pillar is the trickiest part. Watch the wd electronics signal kit install video.
Man that's hard to say since i tore into it pretty good. My best guess is if you use that wd video you could have them off in 30 - 45 min without rushing.
I’d give yourself a day… I recently installed a bunch of warning lights and went in with only the WD video. It helped a lot, but there’s a lot of “take it slow” moments when it comes to removing the plastic parts…and even more when putting it back together. It’s not bad, I would just suggest taking your time, the first time.
I’d give yourself a day… I recently installed a bunch of warning lights and went in with only the WD video. It helped a lot, but there’s a lot of “take it slow” moments when it comes to removing the plastic parts…and even more when putting it back together. It’s not bad, I would just suggest taking your time, the first time.
Will do. Thank you.