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Must be your door, mine is 50% better then my 1000. I have noticed passenger window power up and down is very slow.
My driver side window won't go all the way up unless the engine is running, it needs that voltage boost of the alternator spinning to fully close.
Left front window when cold out will not return to closed position…….
We had the dust problem on my Brother’s XD1500. I pulled all the interior panels off and behind them is a very open stamped metal frame with lots of big open areas.
My solution was to cut out a piece of heavy plastic sheet and silicone it over the metal frame. I also tucked a bit of foam around the door latch a that cut out nearly all the dust.

Sorry I didn’t take a picture before I put the plastic on. 🤷‍♂️
We had the dust problem on my Brother’s XD1500. I pulled all the interior panels off and behind them is a very open stamped metal frame with lots of big open areas.
My solution was to cut out a piece of heavy plastic sheet and silicone it over the metal frame. I also tucked a bit of foam around the door latch a that cut out nearly all the dust.

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Sorry I didn’t take a picture before I put the plastic on. 🤷‍♂️
That looks like a great approach !
JT, that is exactly what I was thinking. Only difference is I would like to do that on the outer side of the frame as well. Reason is,
JT, that is exactly what I was thinking. Only difference is I would like to do that on the outer side of the frame as well. Reason is,
It wouldn’t hurt to do it on the outside as well. The idea for this was based off automotive doors. Also I think the majority of the dust comes in through the drain holes on the bottom and the lower window sill not fitting properly. You don’t want to plug the drain holes, and not much can be done to make the window seals fit better.
So my XD had really bad dust coming in from right rear door on 4 door unit… We would almost instantly start coughing if we rolled windows down while driving on dusty roads… On that rear right side is the battery access… One can see Daylight coming thru in a lot of places back there… First, the Rear door was slightly out of adjustment….simple fix, then we used poly fill to “Stuff” everything back there, then black silicone/rtv to seal up any small holes where plastics come together… About 6 total attempts and it’s pretty Dust Free…(ps I’m a dude who keeps a duster inside to keep dust off the dash🤷🏻‍♂️😇)
There’s just one more “Air leak” that comes thru the steering column that we haven’t found just yet…
On my machine, when I first got it, I felt like the floor was exceedingly warm/hot, especially passenger side… So like we do to the Xpeditions, we pulled all the floor and seats, wrapped the Big Coolant lines w/Insulation, used multiple different materials but heat shielded everything we could get to that produces heat… I know it’s not a Car, but Polaris engineered it a Lot like normal vehicles in how it’s all assembled on this Particular Machine, the XD1500… With all that being said, I really Love this Machine…


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Sweet looking ride Brian!! I don't keep a duster in my machine but I do keep it clean and HATE eating dust. The XD is by far the most dust free SXS I have ever owned but still has a way to go to be air and dust tight.
Sweet looking ride Brian!! I don't keep a duster in my machine but I do keep it clean and HATE eating dust. The XD is by far the most dust free SXS I have ever owned but still has a way to go to be air and dust tight.
I agree
It wouldn’t hurt to do it on the outside as well. The idea for this was based off automotive doors. Also I think the majority of the dust comes in through the drain holes on the bottom and the lower window sill not fitting properly. You don’t want to plug the drain holes, and not much can be done to make the window seals fit better.

Not sure what happened to my post, looks like I may have had 1 too many beers when typing.

But what was the process of getting panels off? When it comes to panels, evidently, I love to break the little clips. My plan is to strip door down to the metal frame and do both sides. So if there are some pointers you could give, I'd appreciate it.
They went full automotive style with these and used trim strips to cover a bunch of bolts and screws. Basically, for popping the trim strips up i used a plastic trim tool and gently work the trim up. They are clipped pretty well so it may feel like you’re going to break some clips, but everything came apart for me without breaking anything.
There’s screws all the way around the window opening that’ll need removal and basically, you have to remove the inside panels to be able to remove the outside ones.
The silver panel is all held on by little plastic clips. Gotta be firm but gentle popping that off, then there’s a couple bolts behind that. The majority of the other bolts on the lower panel are openly visible. Then there’s bolts around the upper part (red arrows) and then separate the rubber door seal. There are a couple clips holding the lower panel to the metal frame. Just gotta pop them loose.

There’s also just a plastic push rivet holding each end of harness loom. Pop both of those out and unclip the door harness above the headliner. You don’t have to remove the entire headliner if you don’t want, and just pull the edge down enough to reach in to the plug, but it does make it easier with it out of the way. If you do remove the headliner, you’ll want to have new barb clips ready as it pretty destroys the ones you pull out.
Hope this helps
I appreciate the feedback. Right now it is at the dealer getting those 2 recalls done. I've discussed the issue with the dealer about dust getting in the doors, and how the windows are getting slower, and the exterior door handles won't open doors at a certain point. They are trying to tell me that it may be the battery. I countered with " then why are 2 of the windows fine and 2 are not?". Pretty much got no reply at that point. So when I get it back, I'm going to dig in to it and get it done.

On a side note, the wife and I had to go down the trail, to an old rancher we help out, we took my brothers 1000xp, oh boy, do I appreciate the XD soooooooooooooooo much more now. I forgot how much of a difference it is between the 2 vehicles, there is no comparison.

After fixing the door dust issue, then it will be on to figuring out how to hook up the cellular trail cam feed to the XD! I'm sure I won't take years off my life with that operation:)
I did manage to find a picture of the door before the plastic was installed…
So you can see how did the lines of silicone on the door frame. Then I just layed the plastic over it and pressed it onto the silicone.