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Driver’s Side Door Not Latching


Aug 3, 2024
I had a problem with the driver’s side not latching from the time I received the vehicle.
Mr. Ranger was recently at our dealership to have the defective hydraulic plow lift removed. The dealer’s driver brought it back this past Wednesday. When I got in it after delivery I noticed that the upper part of the door was sprung outwards, see photo below.

I had the driver return the vehicle to our dealer. Speaking with the representative at the dealership, I was informed the door flew open while it was being delivered which caused the damage. The representative feels that Polaris is aware of doors not latching on certain XD 1500’s.

Has anyone else had a problem getting doors to latch properly?

I haven’t had any problems. When I use my flat bed to tow my ranger somewhere, I usually back it on though. So not sure if that would change things either, since the wind force would possibly help keep the door closed. I usually lock my doors also when on the flat bed.
I haven’t had any problems. When I use my flat bed to tow my ranger somewhere, I usually back it on though. So not sure if that would change things either, since the wind force would possibly help keep the door closed. I usually lock my doors also when on the flat bed.
Mr.C - I too always lock my doors when I trailer the XD, it just seems to make sense to me. I was always under the impression that SXS should not be towed backwards as the rear window is not designed to take the pressure. Have you ever experienced any issues from doing it that way?
Hmm, I guess I’ve never thought about that. I haven’t had any issues towing mine that way. My dealer even suggested it because the front windshield cost a lot more to replace. I see a lot of people towing their sxs’s backed on around me.
I haven’t had any problems. When I use my flat bed to tow my ranger somewhere, I usually back it on though. So not sure if that would change things either, since the wind force would possibly help keep the door closed. I usually lock my doors also when on the flat bed.
In the early years of Polaris we always backed on the trailer because of what happened to pueblogary plus the back glass has always been cheaper if you caught a rock going down the road. There were no custom window protectors back then.
Btw- I never thought about locking the doors, that's a good idea