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Code 517826-9 code

Don’t believe that mines been bypassed since first 10 minutes of ownership. Just stuck wire loop in connection taped it up I have a lot of steep hills ranger just flies up them compared to my jd gator
Ok. So is this my problem? I’ve had a seatbelt bypass plugged in since day 1.

I can’t comfirm if it’s true or not. But apparently the ecu needs to see the belt plugged in and then unplugged accordingly for each start and stop sequence?

Does this sound stupid to any one else?
Hmmm, hope that’s not true. And indeed stupid if it is. I only have about 260 miles on mine. But mine has been bypassed since about new.
So my problem was an ecm update. No other faults found. That fault I got has something to do with a communication error between the cluster and ecm.
So my problem was an ecm update. No other faults found. That fault I got has something to do with a communication error between the cluster and ecm.
Were you able to perform the update or did the dealer have to do it?
So I'm going to the dealer for service Friday and going to have them download the latest Ride Command software. Do you know if they will all need an ECM update?
So the update fixed the daytime night time dash lights changing. Went for a good rip tonight. No problems.

Ecm update is what they did. All of us early buyers will need it done.
My wrench is always on, I think someone said it had to do with the software flagging an oil change at 25 hours (like the 1000 XP) or so. Not sure if that's why yours is on but I'm thinking that's why mines been on.
My wrench came on also at 25 hr mark. Changed oil filter and differentials. Wrench never went off when I first start the vehicle but if I start and stop a cpl times then wrench goes away
My service was done today, and the oil life was reset. The wrench is now gone.
My wrench showed up on my dash again today. WTF?? No notice sent to my Ride Command ap saying what the issue is.
Mine came on at 25 hours. And now every time I turn the machine on, it flashes then stays on. After the ignition is on for a bit, it goes away. I assume it’s because I hit 25 hours. On the old machines you could change the service hours and reset it. I don’t see how to do it on this one.
Mine came on at 25 hours. And now every time I turn the machine on, it flashes then stays on. After the ignition is on for a bit, it goes away. I assume it’s because I hit 25 hours. On the old machines you could change the service hours and reset it. I don’t see how to do it on this one.
We can’t reset it in the dash cluster by the steering wheel. It is reset in centre cluster. Mine is still off after update.
Oh, ok. I guess I didn’t look hard enough in the center either. I’ll have to check it out this evening.
Mine is reset in the Ride Command cluster but I don't see a way to change the time interval like there used to be. I did notice after the update that there is now cooled seats next to the heated seats. Maybe that will be a 2025 feature??
I looked on that as well, but didn’t see anything obvious. I’ll have to check again tonight. Thanks.
Ffs! Again. IMG_6298.webp