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Clunk discussion

So, I did purchase the Loctite products recommended in the video and took the left side apart yesterday.
I am attaching some pics that may help explain.

Since I was already skeptical of the fit between the outer axle end spline engagement to the drive hub after I loosened the large nut on the end of the axle I pulled the shaft up and down. Not in and out, I literally could move mine up and down a little which is probably the root of the issue. If I could have turned the machine on it's side the hub would have fallen off.
I do recommend hanging the caliper with a zip tie or twine rather than letting it dangle by the brake line.

So I cleaned and recleaned both splines until the white rag had no residue on it.
I sprayed the activator and waited the full fives minutes and then applied the 680.
Not sure exactly why but even though the instructions on the 680 stated you have one hour assembly time mine was setting up before I could get them put together. I done it out in the sun thinking it was a good idea to accelerate the cure but I think that wasn't a good idea.
I had to use a wire cup on a grinder to remove the hardened Loctite from the axle spline.
On the second attempt I had completely removed the axle from the machine, started the axle through the hub enough to start the big nut on the end, dribbled the 680 down the spline and then drew the two together by tightening the axle nut.
It took force to seat the axle into the hub, possibly caused by the first attempt 680 remnants.
I done this Sunday and let it cure 24 hours, our Monday evening ride was clunk free.
Other than pinpointing where my noise is emitting from I am not super excited.
The bad aide is in place,
WHY was it needed ?
How long will it last ?


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Thank you for the info and the great write up. I’m gonna share some of this info with my dealer. Myself or yourself shouldn’t have to be to doing this, for the money we spent.
Good write up oneal, thanks for the photos and description. I still don't have the "clunk" and hope I don't get it. I wonder if there was a running change that happened where some of the earlier machines had it and it maybe got better along the way?? I got mine January 6th, was yours produced before that?
Ordered my 2025 today. Sales are way down they heavily discounted the sale price and called the headquarters to ask how quickly the rig would be in as the computer was showing Jan 18th, they guaranteed it to be in inside of 21 days. Did I mention sales are down!!. The service manager did say the 2025 would have a beefed up rear axle and Polaris was working to rectify the problem. Just an FYI as to what is being "SAID"...
Good write up oneal, thanks for the photos and description. I still don't have the "clunk" and hope I don't get it. I wonder if there was a running change that happened where some of the earlier machines had it and it maybe got better along the way?? I got mine January 6th, was yours produced before that?
We purchased ours early June, was built March 15th.
There really aren't that many of us "clunkers". My hunch is there was a bad batch of axles or hubs sent out.
$50,000.00 and my left rear axle is now quieted with glue,,,,,,,,,,,argh !
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I have a 2024 6-seater Northstar Ultimate, purchased in June 2024. It developed the rear end clunking when switching between forward and reverse at about 20 hours and 200 miles. Took it to the dealer to address this and a few other warranty issues. Dealer indicated that there is a "Team Tip" bulletin about it, but it isn't considered a warranty issue. The bulletin, attached below, indicates Polaris believes the cause is lash between the axle splines on the hub end of the driveshaft, and they have an updated installation procedure. Does anyone have a copy of the new procedure?

Anyway, they removed and reinstalled drive shafts as per the new procedure. Got the machine back, and the clunking persist, though it is reduced nominally.

Pretty frustrating.


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I have a 2024 6-seater Northstar Ultimate, purchased in June 2024. It developed the rear end clunking when switching between forward and reverse at about 20 hours and 200 miles. Took it to the dealer to address this and a few other warranty issues. Dealer indicated that there is a "Team Tip" bulletin about it, but it isn't considered a warranty issue. The bulletin, attached below, indicates Polaris believes the cause is lash between the axle splines on the hub end of the driveshaft, and they have an updated installation procedure. Does anyone have a copy of the new procedure?

Anyway, they removed and reinstalled drive shafts as per the new procedure. Got the machine back, and the clunking persist, though it is reduced nominally.

Pretty frustrating.
Purchased mine the same time as yours, noise started about the same amount of hours except mine was not just present at gear change. It done it almost every rotation of the wheel.

If you look at my post above I meticulously followed their instructions. I cleaned the splines three times which I wonder if dealer mechanics are taking the time to do. You will also see I felt the same as the bulletin that spline engagement between the hub and axle spline is sloppy at best.
Mine has been ridden about three hours with the super glued axle and remains clunkless so far.

Here is link to their video :

BTW- I am in total agreement with you , this is ridiculous they aren't stepping up to the plate and calling these back to replace the misfit components.
Purchased mine the same time as yours, noise started about the same amount of hours except mine was not just present at gear change. It done it almost every rotation of the wheel.

If you look at my post above I meticulously followed their instructions. I cleaned the splines three times which I wonder if dealer mechanics are taking the time to do. You will also see I felt the same as the bulletin that spline engagement between the hub and axle spline is sloppy at best.
Mine has been ridden about three hours with the super glued axle and remains clunkless so far.

Here is link to their video :

BTW- I am in total agreement with you , this is ridiculous they aren't stepping up to the plate and calling these back to replace the misfit components.

Ahhh, just re-read your excellent post...thank you! My machine was in the shop for over a week with the dealer apparently waiting on the specific anti-seize that Polaris recommended...but he did not mention loctite. I wonder if the use of loctite is an addition that hasn't made it into the service manual yet? I'll call him today to find out, as that seems the critical element to stop the clunking.
Sent to dealer today I will report back..

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I appreciate your attempt Jay D and I would love to be proved incorrect but when the person you spoke with stated Polaris is quick to send out a recall they lost all credibility.
If this was safety related I would agree with their comment but its an annoyance and they are currently hoping people like myself follow their Loctite advice or take the route such as MrC is considering and just replace their defective parts.

It's infuriating that loyal customers spending 50K would be pushed in either direction.

The best hope is business pressure, the more prospective buyers like yourself that put their dealers on the spot the stronger the campaign to nudge Polaris into doing the right thing but I will not hold my breath.
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Manny of us now have the "clunking" noise in the rear of our 1500. It is mentioned in many places on this forum with numerous different thoughts of where it originates and exactly what makes this annoying noise.
Coincidentally Polaris released a video on how to remove an axle and specific instructions on locking the outer spline with loctite.
Some have said checking the factory torque specs stopped theirs and others felt new CV's was the cure. Some feel their differential is disintegrating.
For me it's a real hassle to get mine to a dealership so I am hoping for a concrete resolution before I haul it in.
Please post your data with the following ;
Hours, miles, kmh's
Which side, both
Four or six seater
Low speed, high speed, or doesn't matter
Loaded, unloaded, doesn't matter
Is it simply a rotational noise or when you accelerate and let off
Any oil changes in the diff, any metal in the oil
What attempts have been made so far to resolve and did it work?
I have the single cab and we took it to Moab. Way out on a trail it started the clunk.
We had 300 miles on it. sounded like a u joint. We would stop and look, crawl under it , could find nothing wrong.
On pavement it will do it when you are going slow letting on and off the gas .
Took it too my dealer and they did all that Polaris said to do
Its the clutch clunking and they have no fix for it
How about a $50,000.00 refund?
Same. Mine has been to the dealer twice. Still clunks, my dealer said that Polaris reversed the whole loctite “fix”. I’m assuming it’s because it doesn’t fix it. At least I have record of it being in the dealer twice for the issue within 6 months of purchasing it, for down the road, when it becomes a serious issue. I am going to see if I can get an email address for the powers to be to complain.
I first noticed the clunking sound at about 200miles. It is very frustrating. I also had mine at the dealer in august and was told they couldn’t find anything wrong but sent a video to polaris. So basically the driveshaft/hub has play is what I’m learning so if I buy Rhino axles that should fix the issue? This clunking is driving me nuts.
Polaris should give us the axels
My wife will not let this issue rest
She is really questioning my purchase
Polaris should give us the axels
My wife will not let this issue rest
She is really questioning my purchase
I agree with your wife.
I would like to think Polaris is developing a plan to fix this but until we are assured a plan exists and is implemented we have to assume the worst and continue to pressure them. I have a long history with them and they have been known to duck problems.