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Another “heat in the cab”.


New member
Jul 20, 2024
Anyone come up with a solution for the excessive heat coming in the cab, especially when the radiator fans kick on? I know a lot of people have used insulation in the tunnels, but it seems that the air is coming from behind the dash. Let’s get this resolved.
Anyone come up with a solution for the excessive heat coming in the cab, especially when the radiator fans kick on? I know a lot of people have used insulation in the tunnels, but it seems that the air is coming from behind the dash. Let’s get this resolved.
"Let's get this resolved" may not be so easy. I agree with you that the biggest source of the heat is coming through the fire wall (if one would call it that) and not the tunnel. A few weeks ago, after a long ride I used a heat gun and shot the temperatures inside the cab. The hottest area I found was behind the accelerator but everything around the fire wall and behind my dash was about the same temp. The new RZR Pro R has a metal plate behind the radiators to force the hot air out and around the car. They also put fresh air vents of the top of the hood that force air into the floor of the cab. This sounds like a solution that would actually work but not one easily done as a home modification.
If you search heat in the cab and find the one that "70 charger " made that is what we always done on the earlier models. At Fifty K it certainly shouldn't be required for owners to do