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500 mile review of the Polaris Ranger 1500 Extreme Duty North Star Ultimate Crew


Staff member
Aug 6, 2023
Reaction score

505 Outsiders crossed over the 500 mile mark on their Ranger XD 1500 so they thought it would be good to give everyone an update on what they have seen, felt, or likes and dislikes of this new UTV. At this point they are planning on keeping this UTV for the long haul and test its abilities.
I don’t like the window switches in the centre.

I also don’t like the short centre seat bottom.

I’m missing the cup holders in the dash.

That’s all
About the only thing I don't like is the missing cup holders. Other than that, so far so good.
I love my rig! Zero regrets. There are a few quirks. They mentioned the transmission on steep hills and I’ve noticed that. Now I’m used to it I am don’t worry about a stall. Cup holders don’t bother me because I’m coming from RZR and Generals and they don’t have the nice holders like the Ranger in dash so I don’t miss them.

My windshield squeaks when I’m going highway speed. I just release the handle and it stops. Haven’t tried silicone or similar because releasing the handle stops it. Not sure if that’s a feature or a bug. The fact that I can hear a squeak when going 60 mph is crazy for SxS.

I am disappointed they didn’t insulate tunnel for heat and noise or doors for air coming in. For $50k they should have done that. It’s not hard or expensive to rectify, but that makes it even more frustrating they don’t stick some heat and noise shield on in mfg.

Agree the stereo should include back speakers and woofer, but for me personally, I don’t care about that. My ride command app loses the machine on occasion. I used to re-add the machine, but learned it finds itself again after a day or two. That’s probably Polaris issue and not XD specific.

All my gripes are basically nit picking and not deal breakers at all.
Wincollector. check the two screws that holds the latch fastened to the dash .My windsheild is fixed when I tightened them my noise went away. If it comes loose again I am going to put rubber washers under them to prevent rubbing on the plastic.Hope this helps.
I don’t have a lot of time behind the wheel yet. But my only dislike is the cup holders right now. And the air coming in through the door handles is an easy fix. Also agree that the heat shielding should have been done at the factory. One thing I haven’t gotten around to yet.
Like Wincollector I have zero regrets getting the machine, I'm glad I did it. That said I agree with many points brought up by others.
1. It should have come with 4 speakers not 2. The Expedition has it standard why not the more expensive XD?
2. It needs insulation to control the tunnel heat. Easy and cheap to do at the factory less so in my shop.
3. The cup holders in the center suck (in front of center seat) there is plenty of room to put decent size cup holders there so why didn't they? The cup holders only work for cans and water bottles. Yes, the dash would be nice but there's no real estate left if you have the NorthStar Ultimate, so I get that.
4. Side Mirrors should be standard on all NorthStar models. They gave me heated seats and a power dump bed but made me buy side mirrors?? Go figure.
5. Too much air leaking from doors, latches, and the steering column. The doors and windows seal great but air is coming from places it shouldn't.
6. Window switches should be on the doors, why did anyone think the dash was a better place? It's like they don't drive cars to work every day........
The part that concerns me a bit is his review of the transmission. I haven't got it out on any trails yet, but I have climbed some pretty steep hills in my pasture. I've felt the hesitation he was talking about. I'm planning a trail riding trip after planting so we'll see how it goes. IMHO, tuning the trans for a more positive engagement is probably the best thing Gilomen or somebody could bring to the table.
I noticed the trans rite away. It’s not comparable to a cvt with a rubber belt. But it does what it does very well. Select tow haul when you get into the heavy crap. I was through lots of deep mud and swamps this past weekend. It never skipped a beat.

It doesn’t need low range.

I love it!