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Turn signal kit


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jun 17, 2024
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Central Ohio
I am about to purchase one and would like to hear opinions.
Big Red has a sticky thread on this but is a year old so technology has changed.
Here are details I am interested in hearing what others have and opinions.
Self cancelling ?
Sequential for the fronts ?
Type of controller- automotive style or toggle ?
And any other tips, advice, or brand preference.
Thanks in advance.
I am about to purchase one and would like to hear opinions.
Big Red has a sticky thread on this but is a year old so technology has changed.
Here are details I am interested in hearing what others have and opinions.
Self cancelling ?
Sequential for the fronts ?
Type of controller- automotive style or toggle ?
And any other tips, advice, or brand preference.
Thanks in advance.
We got WD Electronics in December. I don't think much has changed. They do have sequentials for the front, but I didn't find any with a self-cancel feature. I do like the lever vs the toggle, but that's just me.
I’m in agreement with @Rupp Collector. Much prefer the column lever to the toggle switch. We’ve also got the W. D. Electronics TSK with the sequential led strip. I like W.D. In general, but we’ve had issues on multiple machines with W.D kits, including the XD1500 where one side brake/turn light stops working. On one of them a pin had got pushed out of the rear harness plug. But I still haven’t been able to isolate the issue on the others. A problem with the W.D kit on the XD1500 is that it plugs into the taillights, and there’s not enough room for all the extra plugs between the taillight and the bed frame.
I still have some fiddling to do to see if I can find the problem on ours, but last time I tried it started working, so I put it back together. And now it’s doing it again.
I have Corbin custom works. Not a big fan of the toggle switch. Column shift would be much more convenient in my opinion.
I didn't buy the WD Electronics because it looked like a serious PITA to install, and I don't care for the milky white strips sandwiched between the headlight and the fender. IMOH the only time they look good is when they are blinking. That said I really do like the look of their stalk which is clean and much slimmer than the RYCO Moto. If I was to buy one today (not available when I did mine) I would seriously consider XTC for several reason. I've bought them twice before and have never had an issue, easy install and quality parts. They also have a clean looking stalk; I would never go back to switches as they are not very intuitive. I think they offer a self-canceling kit now that blinks for so long then automatically shuts off. There are now options available to have your bumper lights be both white driving lights and amber turn signal lights. That is the route I would pursue today.
I didn't buy the WD Electronics because it looked like a serious PITA to install, and I don't care for the milky white strips sandwiched between the headlight and the fender. IMOH the only time they look good is when they are blinking. That said I really do like the look of their stalk which is clean and much slimmer than the RYCO Moto. If I was to buy one today (not available when I did mine) I would seriously consider XTC for several reason. I've bought them twice before and have never had an issue, easy install and quality parts. They also have a clean looking stalk; I would never go back to switches as they are not very intuitive. I think they offer a self-canceling kit now that blinks for so long then automatically shuts off. There are now options available to have your bumper lights be both white driving lights and amber turn signal lights. That is the route I would pursue today.
I agree with you 100%.
I agree that a stalk mounted switch is more convenient but also understand JayB's perspective of not using them often and going with a toggle.
I think what ever system I decide on will have sequential lights on the front.
I have never seen them in person but the sequential ones from WD look cool on their website.
I appreciate everyone's response.
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This is the kit I would by today, I wish it was available when I bought mine. They also have another kit that does not self-cancel.