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Tire Out of Round!


New member
Nov 2, 2024
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I bought a new Ranger 1500XD Northstar last Nov (20204) and have had to work with my dealer for several things now, including: leaking front window, wrong actuator on my premium snow plow, and installed radio that shows front camera option but no one knows how to connect one. Recently, with few miles on it, I've experienced a very pronounced thumping from front left corner. I jacked the front up and discovered the left tire is not round. I isolated a distinct low spot on the tire. The dealer required some proof so I took a video and pictures and they were able to save me from having to bring the unit back which is a 2 hour drive for me one way. New tire is on order. I'm just amazed that for a $40k+ vehicle, Polaris seems to have pretty poor quality control measures in place. Plus, astounded for that price, the unit comes with no side-view mirrors, turn signals, or front camera integration with Polaris radio. Woodstock PowerSports in IL has been great, but Polaris needs some help getting things right for an expensive product like this!
The stock tires on rangers, including the 1500 are junk. About all they are good for is keeping the rim off the ground. That's the first thing most change.
You need to add the front camera, which I guess isn't too expensive. Search it though, it doesn't sound like it's an upgrade that gets used much.
Welcome to the forum!
and installed radio that shows front camera option but no one knows how to connect one.
The Ride Command unit is the same that Polaris uses in all their Off-road vehicles. The option for the front camera is there for RZRs, Generals, Xpeditions and so on. The ‘24 Xpeditions came with the front camera, but the ‘25s don’t. The ‘25s still have the camera mounting location and the camera wire from the Ride Command.
Looking at my brother’s Ranger XD1500, there’s no mounting location for a front camera and no wires. My guess is that it’s a cost-cutting thing by Polaris. Very few people actually use a front camera. But it seems a lot of people are upset when it’s no longer available 🤷‍♂️😂

If there was an option to record the front camera in the Ride Command, it would be considerably more useful.
The stock tires on rangers, including the 1500 are junk. About all they are good for is keeping the rim off the ground. That's the first thing most change.
You need to add the front camera, which I guess isn't too expensive. Search it though, it doesn't sound like it's an upgrade that gets used much.
Welcome to the forum!
Thanks Jay. Good to know! Another Polaris shortcoming for a $45k vehicle! I did add a different camera system (see other post by me) and love it. Thx again for info on tires!
The Ride Command unit is the same that Polaris uses in all their Off-road vehicles. The option for the front camera is there for RZRs, Generals, Xpeditions and so on. The ‘24 Xpeditions came with the front camera, but the ‘25s don’t. The ‘25s still have the camera mounting location and the camera wire from the Ride Command.
Looking at my brother’s Ranger XD1500, there’s no mounting location for a front camera and no wires. My guess is that it’s a cost-cutting thing by Polaris. Very few people actually use a front camera. But it seems a lot of people are upset when it’s no longer available 🤷‍♂️😂

If there was an option to record the front camera in the Ride Command, it would be considerably more useful.
Thx JT! I didn't go with the Ride Command but had the JBL radio installed instead. That's the one that shows a camera option but no one has idea how to wire it. I did post in the Upgrades forum about a great 3 cam system I installed. Thx for response though!
The Ride Command shows the front camera as well, it's about a $100 option that takes about 5 minutes to install. The Ride Command units are pre-wired for it, not sure about yours.