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Saturday Morning Tinker


Jan 5, 2025
Reaction score
Central Oregon
Good morning all. Hope everybody has a good weekend! Off to installing the thumper Fab front frame chassis stiffener. Pull the wheels off as well to get them balanced. Anyone else balance their wheels? Or is that dumb?


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I’ve never balanced my tires on any of my machines. I guess it couldn’t hurt anything to have it done though. You’ll have to let us know how the front frame stiffener goes. I have the front and rear on the way.
Figured it can’t hurt balancing them. I’ll post some pics of the front. Already have the rear installed. Definitely beefs it up!
Definitely can't hurt to balance any tire, mine just doesn't get ran fast enough to notice imbalances.
I always balance my UTV and trailer tires, many do not. My logic is anything that runs down the road at 60 MPH will have a vibration if it is not. I can run my Ranger at 65 MPH and take my hands off the wheel and it runs as smooth as my truck. That was not true before I balanced my tires.
I always balance my UTV and trailer tires, many do not. My logic is anything that runs down the road at 60 MPH will have a vibration if it is not. I can run my Ranger at 65 MPH and take my hands off the wheel and it runs as smooth as my truck. That was not true before I balanced my tires.
I agree with you on trailer tires. Those for sure should be balanced in my opinion. My ranger is usually never driven much faster than say 45mph.
Sooo, second Thumper Fab (FB) front chassis stiffener that has holes that don't align with the factory lower control arm bolt holes. Super frustrating since I wasted over 8 hours between the two separate installation attempts with the same problem. The rear chassis stiffener went on without any problem and was hopeful the front would be of similar quality. Sadly at least for me it hasn't been the case. Needless to say I'll be contacting TF Monday to request a full refund. Too much hassle and frustration on my end to continue. Hopefully if someone else has ordered this from TF they don't run into the headache I've had to deal with.
Sooo, second Thumper Fab (FB) front chassis stiffener that has holes that don't align with the factory lower control arm bolt holes. Super frustrating since I wasted over 8 hours between the two separate installation attempts with the same problem. The rear chassis stiffener went on without any problem and was hopeful the front would be of similar quality. Sadly at least for me it hasn't been the case. Needless to say I'll be contacting TF Monday to request a full refund. Too much hassle and frustration on my end to continue. Hopefully if someone else has ordered this from TF they don't run into the headache I've had to deal with.
Sorry to hear about the troubles and issues, that sucks. Nothing like spending a day to install something to have it be wasted. It also doesn’t make me feel very confident in my order. I also have the relocation bracket for the bed cylinder to reduce the lift angle. Haven’t had a chance to install yet.
Sorry to hear about the troubles and issues, that sucks. Nothing like spending a day to install something to have it be wasted. It also doesn’t make me feel very confident in my order. I also have the relocation bracket for the bed cylinder to reduce the lift angle. Haven’t had a chance to install yet.
Yes it is very frustrating. Can't pinpoint what the issue is but I even tried using another floor jack to put pressure on bottom of the plate to hopefully align the holes. No luck at all and honestly shouldn't have to resort to that. Hopefully yours fits without issue. Like I said, this was my second plate from them. First had alignment issues and second one they sent is no better. I like their products but this one has turned me off until it is ironed out.


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Oh wow, hard to tell in the photos. But looks to be about 3/16”-1/4” off. Does the front bumper really have to come off to install the front stiffener like the destructions say? Or could it just be loosened up?
That’s about exactly how much it’s off center. I tried everything I could think of to try and align the holes. Didn’t work. The bumper only needs to be loosened. Remove bottom two bolts and loosen top too. Lower portion swings out of the way.
It's hard to tell exactly what the problem is from the picture but it sounds like the hole is off about a 1/4". Not that you should but could you grind an offset in the hole to make it fit?
Sounds to me like their assembly fixture measurements were off, not excusing them but probably just due to being one of the first out.
I have TF roof rack, bed rack, and running boards, all large items and all fit perfectly.
They seem to be good company, hopefully just send you a new one.
Going to contact them tomorrow and go from there. This is the 2nd one they sent and still doesn’t fit. Not sure it’s worth my time to try for a 3rd….
Going to contact them tomorrow and go from there. This is the 2nd one they sent and still doesn’t fit. Not sure it’s worth my time to try for a 3rd….
Going to contact them tomorrow and go from there. This is the 2nd one they sent and still doesn’t fit. Not sure it’s worth my time to try for a 3rd….
Oh, I didn't catch that you were trying a second attempt. I think I would throw in the towel as well.
Yes it is very frustrating. Can't pinpoint what the issue is but I even tried using another floor jack to put pressure on bottom of the plate to hopefully align the holes. No luck at all and honestly shouldn't have to resort to that. Hopefully yours fits without issue. Like I said, this was my second plate from them. First had alignment issues and second one they sent is no better. I like their products but this one has turned me off until it is ironed out.
That sucks and they aren’t cheap! In my mind for what it is it’s super over priced. It does serve a purpose for sure.
Update, TF did make it right on their end. They provided a paid shipping return label and kindly asked I return all the parts for technical review. I've asked them to provide an update once they determine what is the issue. I'll keep everyone posted. If TF figures out what the issue is I'll likely purchase the stiffener again. I was at wits end with the previous two attempts though. Just to be clear, the rear stiffener installed without any issue. Pretty easy. Mr. C, I'm curious to see if your front one installs ok.
Update, TF did make it right on their end. They provided a paid shipping return label and kindly asked I return all the parts for technical review. I've asked them to provide an update once they determine what is the issue. I'll keep everyone posted. If TF figures out what the issue is I'll likely purchase the stiffener again. I was at wits end with the previous two attempts though. Just to be clear, the rear stiffener installed without any issue. Pretty easy. Mr. C, I'm curious to see if your front one installs ok.
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear they made it right. I’ll definitely share and update once I attempt the install. Mine is supposed to arrive on Monday. Although I won’t be able to install still for a few more weeks.
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear they made it right. I’ll definitely share and update once I attempt the install. Mine is supposed to arrive on Monday. Although I won’t be able to install still for a few more weeks.
Sounds good, hoping it goes well for ya. Standing by for an update