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Running non ethanol in the 1500

I’ve run several tanks of 87 octane ethanol free gas with no issues. The only fuel related issues I’ve heard of is using higher octane gas in cold temperatures.
When it’s cold, mine will run rough and have a hard time starting with 91 octane non ethanol. My dealer suggested using regular pump gas with ethanol 89 octane, and it will improve. Haven’t had the chance to swap yet, since I had about 25 gallons of ethanol free.
I have never heard of any engine needing corn syrup so I think you will be fine. Non-ethonal is pricey here and not necessary.
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I give "Big Red" the good stuff whether she needs it or not. When you drive the fastest color, you have to have the best petrol she can handle. Seriously I had an issue with ethanol years ago in a smaller engine and have stayed away from it in my toys and small engines ever since. Is it a waste of money.........probably, a lot has changed since the early days. Either way I give my toys the best they can handle and have never had a problem since.
I was told by my dealer to use onlt ethanol free gas, nothing else.
I was told by my dealer to use onlt ethanol free gas, nothing else.
Probably best to read the manual and decide the best path. It wouldn't hurt anything but is not required. Some here do, mine has almost 200 hours on the clock with 10% ethanol, runs fine.
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Cant buy ethanol free fuel in Canada.
Well, that makes the decision an easy one, it's your only option. I think everything today is designed to run on at least 10% ethanol, that's what I run in my larger vehicles I think MN mandated 15% and there has been talk that Iowa may do the same. I'm sure if we go that route, they will still keep 10% and ethanol free gas, they will just charge more for it.
I've updated the thread title and fixed the auto-correct spelling error.
I had a problem in cold weather when I first started my 1500 on 87 octane no ethanol. Had to let it warm up 5 minutes or so or it really ran rough. My next load of fuel was the winter blend 87 octane no ethanol. Made a big difference. Still need to warm it up some but much better. I use no ethanol fuel because of all my chainsaws and weed eater’s.
I had a problem in cold weather when I first started my 1500 on 87 octane no ethanol. Had to let it warm up 5 minutes or so or it really ran rough. My next load of fuel was the winter blend 87 octane no ethanol. Made a big difference. Still need to warm it up some but much better. I use no ethanol fuel because of all my chainsaws and weed eater’s.
Same, if I use non ethanol, I have to let it warm up. And it’ll idle rough and even backfire if it’s not warm enough. Sometimes it takes a couple times starting also before it will stay running. I have non ethanol for the same reasons. But I’m gonna switch to normal pump gas and see if it’s any better. If so, I just might stick with that.
It does run richer. It seems like the machine doesn’t like it. My dealer said the same thing. He said, try running a tank of regular pump gas (with ethanol) and see if it changes. He said he’d put $100 on it. He has since switched to normal pump gas with his XD. Had also convinced some other customers to do the same and they’ve agreed it’s helped. Only problem is, I buy 42 gallons at a time, and when it’s not hunting season, I don’t go through that much gas. So I’m still sitting on around 12 gallons of non ethanol before I make the switch. Obviously when I do, I won’t be buying that much ethanol gas at once so it doesn’t gel up and cause issues.
The non ethanol fuel should actually run richer as the ethanol is a bit "thinner/leaner" I believe, is it not?

Found a bit of discussion here: Fuel: Ethanol vs. Non-Etahnol.
Yes sir, that is the way I understand it.
I am definitely no expert but what I believe I have learned is if the engine and fuel components are designed to resist the I'll effects of ethanol the motor will be fine.
Like everyone I keep it out of all my two-strokes.
I ran 91 octane no ethanol first 1500 miles or so and switched to 93 octane 10% or less ethanol for last 700 miles. Got tired of hauling gas cans and now just drive 6-7 miles to the gas station on the highway. Has always started and ran very smoothly. Have 2100 miles currently.