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Rear/Front Axle Upgrades


Jan 5, 2025
Reaction score
Central Oregon
Been reviewing the forums regarding the rear clunk issue associated with a handful of the 1500s out there. I’m picking up a brand new, late 24’ Ultimate this week and am hopeful I’m not subject to this issue. Forward thinking like I am, I started looking at aftermarket axles as an upgrade. Ideally, the new rig will be under warranty for awhile so I’m not about to rush out and spend more hard earned money if it isn’t needed. Any of you owners already changed out your front/rear axles and if so, to what and why? Thank you in advance!
Hopefully you are spared the annoying clunk. Most of us blessed with Polaris bad batch of axles had the clunk start around 400 miles. I did the Loctite bandaid shortly after mine started , 50 running hours later is still silent.
Not condoning the cheesey sob's for not doing the proper thing and just do a recall but aftermarket axle takes care of it
Hopefully you are spared the annoying clunk. Most of us blessed with Polaris bad batch of axles had the clunk start around 400 miles. I did the Loctite bandaid shortly after mine started , 50 running hours later is still silent.
Not condoning the cheesey sob's for not doing the proper thing and just do a recall but aftermarket axle takes care of it
Fingers crossed mine are good! Thank you for your thoughts on it
Don’t loose any sleep over it. It’s really not that bad.

I have no concept of money and usually “upgrade” everything. But the axles were t real high on my list to change.
Don’t loose any sleep over it. It’s really not that bad.

I have no concept of money and usually “upgrade” everything. But the axles were t real high on my list to change.
Sounds good, guess I'll just see how it goes. The Rhino 2.0 axles appear to be popular..
Sounds good, guess I'll just see how it goes. The Rhino 2.0 axles appear to be popular..
Yes, but not an upgrade over stock imo. I had them on my 20 northstar. Split a few inner rear plunge joints.
Mine has had the clunk since 400 miles. Has 2600 now and still runs fine except for the noise when letting off gas pedal and getting back on it. You kinda get used to it but for 40 grand plus is a problem for me. If it breaks it will definitely get me in a bind. Why should we have to put in a new axel?
Good to know. Sure are expensive axles
Stock Polaris ones are too.
Mine has had the clunk since 400 miles. Has 2600 now and still runs fine except for the noise when letting off gas pedal and getting back on it. You kinda get used to it but for 40 grand plus is a problem for me. If it breaks it will definitely get me in a bind. Why should we have to put in a new axel?
dealer changed both of my rear axles. It was gone for couple hundred km so don’t rush out and buy new axles. It won’t fix the problem.
Stock Polaris ones are too.

dealer changed both of my rear axles. It was gone for couple hundred km so don’t rush out and buy new axles. It won’t fix the problem.
So basically Polaris needs to hear about the issue enough from those who are having problems in order for them to come up with a permanent fix. Trust me, if I have issues I'm not one to be silent about it, especially after what I just spent. Appreciate your thoughts.