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Nov 21, 2024
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I've searched the forum for discussions about the use of portals but couldn't find anything. I might not be looking in the right place. I'm interested in hearing anyone's advice or opinions on the use of portals in the 1500s.
Kalon T has portals on his rig and posted some information on it. I will find it and bump the thread for you.
Just bumped, called Ranger XD Biggest Tires Stock
Thank you sir! I have been doing some research and talking to others about going to portals. I'm thinking about a 4” portal with 30% gear reduction. May put some 35’s or something a little bigger. Just don't want to effect the center of gravity too much, which adding the lift and bigger tires will do that to some degree. Also trying to decide wether or not I'm going to run the ecm/tcm gilomen tune as well.