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New 32" Falken Rubitrek Tires


Nov 2, 2024
Reaction score
Installed new 32" Falken Rubitrek tires this week and thought some of you may be interested in the resulting decibel change from the original tires with ~1,000 miles on them. This is absolutely NOT a scientific study, just my wife down writing the numbers while I was driving and holding my cell phone with a decimal meter app. We tried to duplicate how we took the readings from the original tires to the new ones as close as we could but if you've ever tried this it is challenging. We did take the same route while we were doing this so any pavement difference wouldn't affect the readings. Radio and fan both off. 20 psi in both the original and new tires. Comfort mode and single rear wheel drive.

When i left the dealership with the new tires I was immediately impressed with the sound difference. After we took the decibel readings I thought well maybe it wasn't as much difference as I thought. However when I read about decimal differences I believe perceptible sound actually doubles with every 3 decibels. So it appears once we got above 25 mph the sound is actually about half what it was from the original tires.

To me the original tires had a real roar to them and with these I can barely hear them. Other sounds like seat belt rattles, transmission sound, wind etc. become more apparent though which I expected.

Falken Rubitrek Decibels Reduction.webp
Those stock tires are pretty loud. I've used Falkens on my pickups for quite a while now, they wear well and I've always been satisfied with them. I have km3s on my Ranger and they are pretty quiet also.
I think you’ll like the Falkens. I currently have Falkens on my work truck and they do well on the snow and ice. They seem to wear well and don’t sound noisy to me. I’ll be switching to Falkens on my personal truck when it comes time.
I also have Falkens on my truck and BFG KM3's on my Ranger. In my opinion both tires are keepers and will be the same when I replace them. Great write up on the Falkens on your Ranger and thanks for taking the time to record the db's.
LOBRI - Could you please post pics of your new tires on your Ranger.
Know several people who have the Falken Wild peaks on their trucks and they all like them. I went with the Rubitreks because they were supposed to be a little quieter for road noise and we don't do any heavy duty trail riding that these won't handle.

Looked at the km3's and liked them too but they were a little over $400 more.
I also have Falkens on my truck and BFG KM3's on my Ranger. In my opinion both tires are keepers and will be the same when I replace them. Great write up on the Falkens on your Ranger and thanks for taking the time to record the db's.
LOBRI - Could you please post pics of your new tires on your Ranger.
Will take a picture when it quits raining. 😉
I haven’t seen those Falkens before. Looks like traction and wear factor would be good. I’d have to compare those with the ATW4’s when it comes time for my pickup.