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Clunking noise in the rear


New member
Mar 28, 2024
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I just got my dealer to locktite the rear hubs as Polaris had recommend. The clucking disappeared for a few miles, it's now back. Called Polaris and opened up a case number. The customer service representative told me that's all Polaris recommends. This was sure a big disappointment from Polaris. Has anyone heard of the same noise on the 2025's.
There doesn’t seem to be as many 2025’s out as 2024’s. But I do know of some 2025’s that have had the clunk. One member had a 2025 as a rental for awhile and it had the clunk.
I just got my dealer to locktite the rear hubs as Polaris had recommend. The clucking disappeared for a few miles, it's now back. Called Polaris and opened up a case number. The customer service representative told me that's all Polaris recommends. This was sure a big disappointment from Polaris. Has anyone heard of the same noise on the 2025's.
There have been two I have read someone with a 25 having the clunk. There is a seven page thread on the "clunk" .
The Loctite bandage silenced mine months ago and one of the dealerships I visit has been successful on a couple machines but it is imperative the the splines be like new clean, use the primer, and allow to cure the proper time in the proper temperature.
There are a lot more reports of it being unsuccessful than successful and I wonder if it is because the application is botched or if there is too much wear between the splines for the Loctite to fill in.
No matter what at the price point of the 1500's it is pathetic what they told you is the Polaris stand on the issue.
Every time my suspension makes a flex noise I can't get past thinking the clunk is back and it is ruining my experience of the best riding quietest machine I have owned..
Yes mine clunks. Yes I had my engine replaced. Yes I had a brand new 25 3 seat. It had 400 miles on it when I returned it. Did it clunk. Yes.

The fix isn’t an easy one. That’s why it’s not fixed yet. I think it’s a rear differential clunk noise rather than axles.

I just turn up the times and go.