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American Track Truck - Dominator Tracks for XD (not released yet)

Big Red

Well-known member
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
SE Iowa
Here is a video of a new pair of tracks that are being tested on an XD. If you just want to see them in action forward towards the end.
I'm just a spectator in the Track World, I don't know shit about any of them. I don't think we've even had 4" of snow total this year so I don't have a need to drop $10-$12K for any of them. For those that need/want them they are cool as hell.
I'm just a spectator in the Track World, I don't know shit about any of them. I don't think we've even had 4" of snow total this year so I don't have a need to drop $10-$12K for any of them. For those that need/want them they are cool as hell.
We must be on about the same line, 5 or 6 for us.
Larger drivers (lower rpm's) tipped up front track (easier steering and obstacle climbing) anti-rotation (definite must) I like these better than anything I've seen so far.
I am like Big Red, never had or needed tracks but I understand mechanicals and agree with everything you said.
I am like Big Red, never had or needed tracks but I understand mechanicals and agree with everything you said.
I have a set (not these) for my XP 1000 Northstar and they are awesome. Unstoppable in snow, not sure of any other condition as we only ran them in snow. 4' of powder or wet snow they sank maybe 5" at most. Top speed maybe 35 mph but it was truly a real neat ride.
Larger drivers (lower rpm's) tipped up front track (easier steering and obstacle climbing) anti-rotation (definite must) I like these better than anything I've seen so far.
The price I was quoted is less than the Duratrax. But I like the Dura track's pattern a little bit more. The Camso is the cheapest I've found.
My biggest concern is these look to take more power to run. Been around 4 wheelers with comso's. They work but they definitely have their problems.
Duratracks are very well built and work great in soft ground conditions or a little snow. I'm struggling with them in deep powder, but the Duratracks folks are being very helpful with possible solutions. Not ideal (I'd rather they just work out of the shipping crate), but kudos to them for support after the sale. It may be that they just don't have enough of a contact patch for deep snow given the weight of the new machines. Having used Camso tracks in the past I think going that route with the weight of the machine is asking for trouble; other brands the focus on heavier vehicles (American Track Truck, Rubitracks) might be interesting. Tracks open up a whole new world of use for UTVs. I use mine in winter more than in the summer!