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After market tires and wheels - Void Warranty ?


New member
Feb 5, 2025
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Was told that installing oversized tires and wheels may void warranty . Need to switch back to factory before sending in for repairs ? Anyone know ?
Was told that installing oversized tires and wheels may void warranty . Need to switch back to factory before sending in for repairs ? Anyone know ?
It definitely can, been there. I advise to hang on to the stock tires to put back on in case you ever have a drive train claim.
Since Polaris sells 32's that are specifically advertised for XD1500 without any mention of warranty void I think 32's would be no issue but I would still keep the stockers and throw them on if I had a mechanical claim.
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I've put 1 size larger tires on every Ranger I've owned and never once did the dealer say anything about it affecting my warranty. That said if you are running 35's on the stock set-up or have changed the suspension that would be a different story. If all you did is go up to 32's I would be surprised if they made a big deal out of it.
Anything more than stock. 32 being the max could for sure. Depending on your dealer.